In-House vs. Outsourced Intellectual Property Services: How to choose

There is a lot that goes into intellectual property management. You may have just one portfolio to start with, or perhaps your business has been around for a while and you have many. Regardless, we...

Topics: Law Firm, Corporation, intellectual property lawyers

How Brandstock Helped BACARDI Successfully Register Its EU Trademark

As leading professionals in intellectual property solutions, the task of protecting a 157 year old iconic brand, and its unique bottle, fall directly within the scope of Brandstock’s abilities. We...

Topics: Trademark Filing & Prosecution, Brandstock Legal, Law Firm

Brandstock Wins WTR 1000 2019

Brandstock is proud to announce that this month they were listed on the WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2019. This established research directory is the go-to resource for...
Topics: News, Law Firm

5 Things Needed For A Compliant Transfer of Intellectual Property

When transferring intellectual property, the first thing to consider is the type of transfer required for your business needs. The transfer of intellectual property can be either temporary under a...

Topics: IP Recordals, Law Firm, Corporation

Trademark lawyers vs marketers: why they should smooth things over

When we compare the difference between the roles of trademark lawyers with those of marketers, there are significant differences between the knowledge and concerns between the two professions....

Topics: Law Firm

The importance of data verification in every IP strategy

Accurate, high-quality, and relevant data have never been more important in forming an IP strategy. The strength of an IP asset is highly dependent on the accuracy of data obtained during the data...

Topics: Brandstock Complete, Brandstock Legal, Law Firm, Corporation

How digitalization helps counsels managing IP

As one of the most valuable assets a company has, intellectual property must be appropriately managed in order to maximize its potential. In line with many areas of life, technological advancements...

Topics: Brandstock Complete, Law Firm, Corporation

The 3 stages of data verification & auditing in intellectual property services

For corporate IP counsel who are looking to undertake an audit of their company’s intellectual property portfolio, there are important considerations to ensure the process is as effective as possible.

Topics: Brandstock Complete, Brandstock Legal, Law Firm, Corporation

Brandstock interview: brand valuation at BASF

Brandstock has interviewed Hans-Jürgen Lutz, vice president, marketing communication, brand and trademark management crop protection at BASF and the result of this meeting has been published by WIPR...

Topics: IP Valuation, Law Firm, Corporation