In-House vs. Outsourced Intellectual Property Services: How to choose

There is a lot that goes into intellectual property management. You may have just one portfolio to start with, or perhaps your business has been around for a while and you have many. Regardless, we...

Topics: Law Firm, Corporation, intellectual property lawyers

Brandstock parent company Questel acquires majority stake in Yoomap

Questel, one of the world’s largest intellectual property software and service providers, has signed an agreement to acquire a majority stake in Yoomap, a leader in open innovation software.

Topics: News, intellectual property lawyers

Alternative Legal Services Providers vs Law Firms: What’s the best choice?

Law firms are used by many businesses to obtain advice about legal rights and responsibilities as well as representation in the event of a civil or criminal case, business transaction or other legal...

Topics: Brandstock Legal, intellectual property lawyers